Ubuntu-Chicago Wireless Problem

Mike Greenwood mjgreenwood at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 23:39:08 BST 2006

Ok guys thinking cap time....

I have a crappy wireless card it's a Linksys "based" ADMtech adm8211 card.

The native adm8211 driver is up and the card see's it.

The problem is no connection....
The card worked fine for weeks after the fresh install (out of the box)
now it just shows disconnected....  my laptop works right next to the
desktop so I don't think router distance is a problem
and everything indicates that the card works

lshw .--> shows the card and the driver
lspci --> shows the card and the settings from /etc/network/interfaces
iwconfig ifconfig --> both show the interface (but I notice that tx
power=0.  I tried to mod it with iwconfig.  It changes the status but

The network applet shows that I've sent a ton of packets but have not
I'm set up for dchp.

What am I missing and where do I go from here?

Local support..... gotta love it..

mike (greenwom)
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