Ubuntu-Chicago Ideas
Jason Czajkowski
jason.czajkowski at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 17:30:56 BST 2006
I've already contacted the Dupage Computer Show and they are currently on
hold until further notice. We are on a list and once they resume hosting the
show we will be contacted with more information.
On 8/1/06, Adam Israel <stone at stonetable.org> wrote:
> I've got some thoughts and ideas to throw out.
> Install Fests:
> There used to be a regular computer show at the College of DuPage (it's
> moved to the DuPage County fair grounds now), and the campus user group
> setup shop in a room adjacent to the show and would install
> distribution-of-your-choice for you.
> Something like that might be good. I don't know what the new
> location[1] offers in terms of installations, but I imagine anyone could
> get a booth to hand out CDs, do installs, and answer questions. This is
> a good marketing opportunity. The people that go to this show are
> usually looking for cheap alternatives and Ubuntu makes a natural choice
> for that.
> Hack Fests:
> I've gone to these with the Detroit Ubuntu[2] group several times now.
> Basically, we get together in one place for a weekend and hack on code.
> I think, though I could be wrong, that it's partially inspired by the
> Gnome Summit[3] held every year in Boston (I'll be going this year).
> Get a bunch of people together to hack, and at the end of things
> everyone gets up and talks about what they worked on and show off what
> they did.
> A hackfest can be productive for any skill level:
> * Triage bugs
> * Write documentation
> * Mentoring (show someone how to contribute, use cvs/svn, triage bugs,
> write gtk code, etc)
> * Hack on code
> * Learn
> * Key signing
> This doesn't have to be an all-weekend event. I think one full day is
> sufficient (and let people come and go as their schedule permits). I'd
> love to do something like this once a month. Find a place where people
> can meet comfortably some Saturday for several hours and hack.
> -Adam
> [1] http://gmcs.ciadvt.com/index.html
> [2] http://ubuntudetroit.org/
> [3] http://live.gnome.org/Boston2006
> --
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