[Ubuntu-US-CA] Call for Ubuntu California LoCo Team leadership nominations

Nathan Haines nhaines at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 3 07:26:21 UTC 2017

Hello again Ubuntu California,

I'd like to wish everyone a happy new year!  There are some really fun 
opportunities for Ubuntu advocacy planned for 2017 and I look forward to 
working with all of you to make them a success!

There was a lack of nominations for the Ubuntu California leadership 
board, and with only one nomination, there has as yet been no vote.

Our next LoCo meeting is this Sunday, January 8th, and I have added an 
agenda item to discuss how we want to move forward from here.  The 
meeting agenda is available here:


Please feel free to discuss this on-list, and we can meet on Sunday to 
plan a path forward this year.


Nathan Haines
Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/

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