[Ubuntu-US-CA] FeltonLUG requesting a speaker on 13.04

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph lyz at ubuntu.com
Sun Jul 7 20:20:58 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

Larry Cafiero of FeltonLUG (just north of Santa Cruz) has asked me if
I knew of anyone who could come down to their LUG and present on
Ubuntu 13.04 next Sunday, July 14th.

I presented for them last year and they're a great group of folks, it
was a fun and interactive presentation. Plus it gave me the
opportunity to sneak in a roller coaster that evening in Santa Cruz.
Unfortunately my speaking schedule these next few weeks is busy so I'm
unable to do it this time.

Is there anyone else on list who can make it down? Or do you know of
someone? I'd be happy to help with content and slides if there is a


Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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