[Ubuntu-US-CA] Project to bring Ubuntu to students in need.

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 27 16:21:50 UTC 2010

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Nathan Haines <nhaines at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> 2. They have asked whether Ubuntu California would be willing to advise
> them on minimum system requirements, marketing information, and provide
> technical training for their technicians so they can gradually begin
> offering Ubuntu on their computers more generally.
> I think this is a worthy project and one which has the potential to help
> a lot of kids while spreading awareness of Ubuntu.

That's great! Sounds a lot like what Partimus.org (which Grant, myself
and others up here are working with) is doing for the bay area.

The advice about minimum system requirements reminded me of a
conversation we had recently on one of the lists regarding quality of
hardware and the experience of using Ubuntu. Partimus itself won't
accept anything under a Pentium 4 w/ 512M of ram (and 1G of RAM is
preferred) for running Ubuntu, otherwise it'll be a sub-optimal
experience and people will equate Ubuntu with "not as good" or "the
slow, cheap alternative" and that doesn't help anyone. Plus, most
recently it's come to our attention that hardware that looks like junk
will be treated like junk by the kids, so having hardware that looks
nice whenever possible improves how much policing of hardware the
teachers have to do.

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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