[Ubuntu-US-CA] Acknowledgement of California's Worldwide Tech Leadership

Grant Bowman grantbow at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 22 01:17:04 UTC 2010

Here's an article I found useful.  Whenever I see articles like this
it reminds me that our LoCo team has the possibility to grow to have
resources and activity levels proportional to the IT tech resources
and activity all around us.  I realize the most recent team IRC
meeting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10September19
wasn't the most positive experience for everyone, but with effort I
know we can grow and adapt to capture more of our shared potential.

Grant Bowman


6 Steps for Creating the Next Global 'Silicon Valley'
by Nathaniel Whittemore  September 14, 2010

Silicon Valley is a place invested with incredible myth and
aspiration. It is the place of hacker-kids-turned-billionaires. It is
a place where last generation's industry Goliath's are upended by the
next generation's Davids. The story of the place is particularly
important to governments around the world who look to the region as an
economic dynamo and seat of innovation. But what does it take to
create a 'Silicon Valley?'

This question is actually the subject of a lot of thinking and
writing. Startup guru and UC Berkeley professor Steve Blank has given
a talk called "Hidden in Plain Sight: The Secret History of Silicon
Valley," which takes the story back to WWII. Guy Kawasaki, former
Apple evangelist and many-times startup book author wrote a post in
2006 called "How to Kick Silicon Valley's Butt" in which he breaks it
into the pieces that other places can replicate and those they can't.
Y Combinator founder Paul Graham wrote an essay called "How to Be
Silicon Valley" in which he argues that it's all about getting a
concentration of the right people in a common spot.


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