[Ubuntu-US-CA] USB stick for MacBook Pro

Mark Weisler mark at weisler-saratoga-ca.us
Sun Jun 20 00:54:57 UTC 2010

Hash: SHA1

Sameer Verma wrote:
> I'm helping a friend make a USB stick for a MacBook Pro. The
> instructions for a Mac are command line based, which he isn't very
> comfortable with. Will a stick made under Ubuntu (Startup Disk
> Creator) work on a Mac or does he *have* to use a Mac to create a
> stick?
> Sameer
How does he/she want to use the USB stick?
If it is for Mac OS my inclination is to use the disk utility
(Applications->Utilities->Disk Utility) on the Mac and format the USB
stick. It's a GUI not a CLI.

But to make a USB stick if the intention is to move data between
Macintosh and Windows then use Windows and format it to FAT32.

- --
Mark Weisler
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