[Ubuntu-US-CA] introduction
Leif Ryge
leif at synthesize.us
Tue Apr 20 03:00:31 UTC 2010
On 04/19/2010 04:57 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Leif Ryge<leif at synthesize.us> wrote:
>> I'm a member of Noisebridge (www.noisebridge.net) where Jesse Zbikowski
>> suggested (and I agree) that we should have a Lucid installfest. We
>> already have a netboot server there with a variety of OSes; I'll be
>> adding the beta Lucid desktop image to its menu soon and will update it
>> with the release as soon as it's available.
> I think this is a great idea, I was down at Noisebridge for an SF-LUG
> meeting a few weeks back, great space.
> Do you have some dates you were shooting for? I find installfests a
> few weeks after release tend to work well since the community tends to
> shake out the bugs by then so then you either have fixes or documented
> work-arounds. Plus it gives us time to plan and promote.
Jesse is unavailable on the weekend of May 15/16 and Maker Faire is the
following weekend, so if we want to do it in May we've got the weekends
of May 8/9 (only 1 week after release) or 29/30. Giving heed to the
advice above, we should go with the last weekend in May.
Any preferences on Saturday vs Sunday?
Assuming that one of these days will work, I've taken the liberty of
creating a page on the Noisebridge wiki about it:
Anyone who wants to volunteer to help, feel free to add your name to
that page. Unless there are any objections, I'll tentatively announce
this event at the Noisebridge weekly meeting tomorrow night.
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