[Ubuntu-US-CA] introduction

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 19 23:57:40 UTC 2010

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 4:10 PM, Leif Ryge <leif at synthesize.us> wrote:
> I just joined this list today and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Leif
> Ryge, I've been using Debian for nearly 10 years and have been using and
> evangelizing Ubuntu since the Hoary Hedgehog release.

Hi Leif, welcome!

> I'm a member of Noisebridge (www.noisebridge.net) where Jesse Zbikowski
> suggested (and I agree) that we should have a Lucid installfest. We
> already have a netboot server there with a variety of OSes; I'll be
> adding the beta Lucid desktop image to its menu soon and will update it
> with the release as soon as it's available.

I think this is a great idea, I was down at Noisebridge for an SF-LUG
meeting a few weeks back, great space.

Do you have some dates you were shooting for? I find installfests a
few weeks after release tend to work well since the community tends to
shake out the bugs by then so then you either have fixes or documented
work-arounds. Plus it gives us time to plan and promote.

> Looking forward to meeting more of you Thirsty Bear on the 29th!

Me too :) See you there!

Details for folks who may not have seen it:

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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