[Ubuntu-US-CA] OSCON, Power/Internet

Paul Reiber paul at reiber.org
Fri May 15 23:32:40 UTC 2009

- I've never burned CD's for people on demand at a show before... if it
wasn't in a pile of available kitch, it didn't get handed to someone.
- It'd be cool to have a self-contained power-free net-free "island network"
of notebooks doing cool stuff - maybe one acting as a "server" and mirror,
with apache and maybe TWiki or similar, and the others able to access it
with firefox (esp. Xubuntu Kubuntu or Edubuntu clients) - to demonstrate
both sides of the equation and how Ubuntu can cope with/without the net

- Often the power and net fees are associated with corporate booths and not
the community/open-source booths - maybe we should ask if that's the case
here, and then none of this would be an issue.

-- pbr
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