[Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu biz cards

Nathan Haines nathan at nhaines.com
Thu May 29 19:31:29 UTC 2008

Hey, Seth!

We could use the cards.  I've given out a couple dozen already outside of events.  You can find my address on my resume on my web site.  I'm happy to receive the cards in trust of the LoCo, but maybe Neal would like them?  He has the other full box.

Congratulations on your new job!  A job in the Unix field must be exciting indeed.  Best wishes for you as you settle into the new job and home.


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-----Original Message-----
From: harkonen <harkonen at inbox.com>

Date: Thu, 29 May 2008 10:04:35 
To:Ubuntu US California <ubuntu-us-ca at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [Ubuntu-US-CA] ubuntu biz cards


Hey it's Seth/Harkonen.  I have a box of Ubuntu cards still, and I'm moving to San Francisco in a week for a new job (in the Unix field, happily) and since I'm not sure how active the Ubuntu LoCo is up in San Francisco, I was thinking that perhaps I should send you the cards to use up at upcoming events.

As I hope to attend OSCon (I'll be fairly close to it anyway), I could probably find a use for them there...but even so I think they'd be in better hands with you.

So if you want them, let me know, and I'll send them.  Give me your address, as well...

- seth

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