[Ubuntu-US-CA] Ubuntu-us-ca Digest, Vol 12, Issue 5

Daniel Holbert dholbert at cs.stanford.edu
Tue May 6 17:53:51 UTC 2008

Been emailing with Keith off-list, and starting fresh with a new profile 
fixed his issues too.

Mark, to get your bookmarks back, do this:
  - Run Firefox 3 using your old profile

  - Back up your bookmarks to a file
    (Bookmarks Menu, Organize Bookmarks, Import and Backup, Backup)

  - Run Firefox 3 with a new profile (e.g. rename your .mozilla folder)

  - Restore your saved bookmarks into the new profile
    (Bookmarks Menu, Organize Bookmarks, Import and Backup, Restore)


Mark Garrow wrote:
> After doing the upgrade I was also having issues with FF but they were 
> slightly different.  FF seemed faster overall accessing sites but while 
> sitting idle it would occationally (like on a  clock cycle) chew up to 
> 150% of my cpu (hyperthreaded cpu).  After copying ~/.mozilla to a 
> backup and eliminating all functional and nonfunctional add ons, the cpu 
> issue disappeared.  My times with the dig references below are 17ms & 
> 9ms respectively.
> Now to get all my bookmarks back :(
>> 1. If this was an upgrade, have you closed your browser and renamed
>> the ~/.mozilla/ folder in an attempt to start firefox from scratch?
>> I'd be curious to see if doing that alone "fixes" things.
>> $ mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.back
>> 2. If above does not help, perhaps this could be an internet related
>> issue with DNS or intermediate routing.
>> For example, if the pages your are viewing has calls multiple DNS
>> records, this delay in name resolution can make it appear that firefox
>> is slowing things down when it's not related.
>> To test that possibility, I would start testing DNS response time:
>> $ dig www.yahoo.com <http://www.yahoo.com> | grep Query
>> ;; Query time: 144 msec
>> $ dig www.google.com <http://www.google.com> | grep Query
>> ;; Query time: 226 msec
>> Note, I'm on an EVDO wireless card, so my times a a tad higher, but
>> still these times are negligible.  If you start going into the
>> thousands, this is a problem.
>> Just some ideas to start with.  Cheers.
>> -- 
>> Gilbert Mendoza
>> PGP: 0x075DBCA9
>> Email: gmendoza at gmail.com
>> http://www.savvyadmin.com
>> https://launchpad.net/~gmendoza
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GilbertMendoza
>> -

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