[Ubuntu-US-CA] Hardy Party on Saturday, May 10th, 2008!

Nathan Haines nathan at nhaines.com
Wed May 7 03:12:24 UTC 2008

Hi, everyone!  Sorry I forgot to get this out Monday.

Sunday night at the meeting, we decided that we would meet up for a
party celebrating the release of Hardy Heron.  And what better way to
celebrate than with food?  So we're meeting up for some fancy American
Chinese food.  Here are the details:

P.F. Chang's China Bistro at the Irvine Spectrum

61 Fortune Dr <http://maps.google.com/>
Irvine, CA 92618 <http://maps.google.com/>

Get Directions <http://maps.google.com/>
(949) 453-1211

6:00pm, Saturday, May 10th, 2008

Please R.S.V.P with me or on the list, so we know how many to expect. 
The place tends to be busy, so I'll make a reservation Wednesday or
Thursday night depending on how many people are going to be there.  I
expect at least four or five people based on the meeting.

This is going to be nice way to relax and get to know some of the newer
members, without the extra work of some of the other events.  For
everyone in the Los Angeles, San Bernadino, Orange County, or San Diego
area, I hope to see you there!


Nathan Haines
Computer technician and Linux specialist

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