[Ubuntu-US-CA] Slow performance on Firefox 3

Gilbert Mendoza gmendoza at gmail.com
Mon May 5 23:28:24 UTC 2008

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 4:12 PM, Keith Mendoza <pantherse at gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried this build, actually wrote this email with using this browser. Same
> scenario, "star" and "trash" icons still loaded ridiculously slow. The
> flitestart.com website did the same thing.

I hate to interject, but something I don't see in the thread so far is
ruling out any of the basic factors that may be causing this problem.

1. If this was an upgrade, have you closed your browser and renamed
the ~/.mozilla/ folder in an attempt to start firefox from scratch?
I'd be curious to see if doing that alone "fixes" things.

$ mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.back

2. If above does not help, perhaps this could be an internet related
issue with DNS or intermediate routing.

For example, if the pages your are viewing has calls multiple DNS
records, this delay in name resolution can make it appear that firefox
is slowing things down when it's not related.

To test that possibility, I would start testing DNS response time:

$ dig www.yahoo.com | grep Query
;; Query time: 144 msec

$ dig www.google.com | grep Query
;; Query time: 226 msec

Note, I'm on an EVDO wireless card, so my times a a tad higher, but
still these times are negligible.  If you start going into the
thousands, this is a problem.

Just some ideas to start with.  Cheers.

Gilbert Mendoza
PGP: 0x075DBCA9
Email: gmendoza at gmail.com

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