#Ubuntu-US-AR Chat Night Tonight (May 4) & Every Tuesday

Kwadroke of The Wired kwadroke at gmail.com
Tue May 4 15:03:26 BST 2010

Tonight is Arkansas Ubuntu Local Community's (LoCo) regular chat night.

Join us on Tuesdays in the #ubuntu-us-ar channel on Freenode.net's IRC
servers at 9:30PM Central Time. You do not need to be a LoCo member or
an Ubuntu user to join in on the chat.

Point your favorite IRC Client to Freenode.net
irc server: chat.freenode.net:6667
channel: #ubuntu-us-ar

or use the Freenode Webchat at:

You can view past chat logs and find out more information about the
LoCo at http://arlug.org/ubuntu

Tony Bates - Kwadroke of The Wired
Red Hat Certified Engineer

ARKon Sci-Fi, Anime, Gaming & Technology Convention in Conway, Arkansas

Arkansas Geek Central
Geeks of Arkansas, Unite!

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