IRC Channel, Team inactivity?

Rob Rogers r2d2rogers at
Mon Nov 24 21:08:33 GMT 2008

Correction, as spotted by kwadroke, that's #ubuntu-us-ar  Not
#ubuntu-us-la....  Sorry about that.  I live in Louisana now...


On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 3:03 PM, Rob Rogers <r2d2rogers at> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm looking to pass the control of the LoCo Team IRC channel to who
> actually lives in Arkansas.  I'm originally from Arkansas and would love to
> see the Ubuntu Local Community Team pick up and rock Arkansas for Linux and
> Open Source in general.  The IRC Channel is on freenode,,
> at #ubuntu-us-la.  Come see me in the channel if you are interested, or
> email the list to help kick up some activity!
> I'm usually in channel, but check my status to see if I'm at the screen or
> not...
> Hope to hear from lots of people, even if it's asking why you're getting
> this email ;).
> -R2
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