[ubuntu-uk] ubuntu 16.04 fsck and display issue

David Goldsbrough daveg at boavon.plus.com
Thu Aug 11 10:17:02 UTC 2016

Many thanks for the links provided regarding how to temp change the grub
config file at boot and indeed permanently.  Still the same though, no
splash screen on boot, although I have not attempted to change  the
/etc/default/grub file.  However, I did notice in there it said splash
quiet as opposed to quiet splash - which I did edit in the bootup along
with adding nomodeset - all to no effect.

I have researched further and last night even started the plymouth daemon
manually and managed to display the splash screen, so if it works manually
it should work auto also.

I am currently working on this

but before continuing I would welcome specifically some comment on the lines

echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash
sudo update-initramfs -u

I guess the first line creates that splash file as I don't have one
currently.    The second line I guess invokes an up date which without
would render the first line a waste of time.  The third line is there to
update grub as a result of previous changes mentioned in the link to

I thought it might be best if I appended my grub file so here is without
all the usual commented lines.


GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian`


As always help and comments most welcome.

On 10 August 2016 at 15:45, David Goldsbrough <daveg at boavon.plus.com> wrote:

> I said (extract)
> > To the point, when I boot now I no longer see the "Ubuntu" message in the
>> > centre of the screen with the changing coloured dots underneath.   Do I
>> need to tweak something to re-instate it?
>> >
>> Liam Proven said (extract)
>> >>I have successfully resurrected this in the >>past by adding the kernel
>> boot
>> >>parameter
>> >>nomodeset
>> >>You can try this at boot time by pressing E on >>the GRUB menu, and
>> adding it
>> >>to the end of the boot line.
>> >>If it works, you can add it to /etc/GRUB/defaults.
>> Well, I tried the suggestion to no effect.  I have looked through the
> logs but cannot find any hints - but I am not that experienced and my low
> vision can miss things.
> Undaunted I researched further.
> I thought this thread looked promising
> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2321997
> and I checked a few things out but I suspect it was written before 16.04.1
> and .1 has corrected the bugs in part.  I noticed late it was for lubuntu
> but guessed ubuntu was the same.
> I am reading this at the moment
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth
> but again notice it predates 16.04
> I have not ruled out it is something to do with my graphics card nvidea
> but the upgrade appears to have installed the latest driver.
> If I understand things correctly the boot sequence goes something like
> this:-
> GRUB opens the kernal using certain parameters.  The kernal(s) have been
> pre-compiled during kernal updates and compilation includes ref to display
> drivers so the screen post GRUB works.  If this limited understanding is
> true, I am unclear when "plymouth" is called - prior to kernal opening I
> guess.  If this is true, then "plymouth" can only display splash screen in
> some form of monitor default mode.  But I am guessing.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction to try and fix please.  I'm not
> sure if it is still a formally recorded bug which I just need to await a
> fix for.
> Thanks
> DaveG
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