[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone performance one month on

ubuntu at loki.33mail.com ubuntu at loki.33mail.com
Wed May 27 23:12:25 UTC 2015

I don't have any of this on BQ 4.5

I had occasional issue answering the phone (ringtone rings, but no 
interface to answer/reject. After reboot it is back to normal. I don't 
use camera much, but when I do I have no issues. With apps crashing  and 
loading logo showing - I have it with much lower frequency - I barely 
even notice now...

I may be lucky. If I were you I would try factory reset, but then I 
don't have much data on this phone - just in case of something like you 
described happened.
(Also  I am not sure if factory reset can fix anything :/)

On 09/05/15 19:35, Gareth France 'gareth.france at cliftonts.co.uk' via 
33Mail wrote:
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> I'm doing this through the mailing list as it's not a specific bug 
> report but rather just a general bad mood my phone has developed!
> I have updates set to manual so I know what is being updated and when, 
> the last system update was weeks ago. However over the last week or so 
> it seems to be pot luck as to whether I can make or receive calls. The 
> vibrate stutters during the call if it is going to fall flat, then 
> either it reboots or the microphone stops working. Apps have startyed 
> crashing (camera) or they show the loading logo and just hang 
> (contacts, phone, system settings)
> It has been like this only recently fr no real reason so I'm counting 
> down the days to the next major update. Is it just me or are others 
> experiencing this.

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