[ubuntu-uk] Ending Dual-Boot

Barry Drake ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com
Sun Mar 9 20:29:38 UTC 2014

On 09/03/14 17:04, Nigel Verity wrote:
> The big day has arrived. I'm in a position to finish with all this 
> dual-boot nonsense and give my Dell laptop entirely over to Xubuntu. 
> If I use GParted to delete the 2 partitions used by Windows 7, and 
> then resize the Linux partition, it strikes me that Grub might get 
> into a mess. I'm sure I could probably modify the Grub setup but is 
> this approach more trouble than it's worth? Would I be better off just 
> starting from scratch with a fresh Xubuntu install? The reason I'd 
> like to avoid this if practical is that it always takes me a couple of 
> days to get everything just the way I like it whenever I do a full 
> reinstall.

I do a fresh install every six months as a matter of course.  It keeps 
the installation fresh and fast, and I get rid of stuff that's 
accumulated and not really required.  I have lists of installation 
procedures for hardware drivers etc. and a few scripts I wrote.  The 
entire install takes about an hour.  I always have two versions on two 
separate hard-drives - the stable, and the testing which I use until it 
breaks.  I can grab stuff from the other version whenever things get 
difficult.  I've been working like this for two years now and it is my 
preferred method.  I have a third, big hard drive for backups and 
general archiving, and I have all current stuff backed up on U1.

Regards,        Barry.

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