[ubuntu-uk] Windows free at last!

Barry Drake ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com
Thu Jan 30 16:07:02 UTC 2014

On 30/01/14 11:20, alan c wrote:
> Congratulations Barry! I am surprised you could hold out so long! I 
> said good bye to Windows years ago now and I actually think my health 
> improved! Yes, really. 

Hi Alan ......  One thing I have to use a Windows program for is to 
visit my local e-library.  I have to have Adobe Digital Editions to 
download the e-books.  Fortunately, Wine does a great job with ADE, and 
now I know it works with MSWord and MSPub as well I can get rid of the 
extreme annoyance of waiting an hour for Windows to update before I can 
get back into Ubuntu.  Wine seems to be a lot more versatile than it 
used to be.

I've also been looking at the Open Documents thread.  I think it was the 
last time we met, at a government consultation about this issue.  
Government grinds very slowly ....   Schools are still teaching 
Microsoft ....  BUT with kids using Android tablets things are going to 
have to change in that area.  I suspect that Kingsoft Office will be the 
main contender as it is compatible with MS file formats.  I'm delighted 
with the way in which the IT world is changing.

Regards,        Barry.

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