[ubuntu-uk] Windows free at last!

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu Jan 30 11:20:54 UTC 2014

On 29/01/14 21:03, Barry Drake wrote:
> Hi there ...  A couple of weeks ago, I did a BIOS (UEFI) update as 
> requested after reporting a bug.  The result was that an installation of 
> Windows 7 which I had on a removable drive died completely and I lost 
> it.  How unstable Windows can be at times like this!
> When I looked at my very rare need for Windows, I found that I only have 
> occasional need to use Microsoft Word to open a docx file which is 
> heavily formatted and shows complete garbage in Libreoffice, and for the 
> very occasional publisher file I am sent.  I have now successfully 
> installed Word and Publisher under Wine and assume I will never need to 
> boot Windows again.  Oh, thank you!!!!
> Barry Drake.

Congratulations Barry! I am surprised you could hold out so long! I
said good bye to Windows years ago now and I actually think my health
improved! Yes, really.

alan cocks

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