[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu1 under Trusty ....

Barry Titterton titterton.barry at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 19:26:37 UTC 2013

On 05/11/13 14:56, Barry Drake wrote:
> On 05/11/13 14:25, Dave Morley wrote:
>> Yes this is correct the nautilus package was remove in Saucy so won't 
>> be there in Trusty either.
> According to the file manager launcher in '/usr/share/applications' 
> the launcher is still calling Nautilus both under Saucy and Trusty - 
> it uses the command 'nautilus %U'. The problem I mentioned is not 
> there in Saucy but appeared in Trusty right at the first testing iso.
> Regards,        Barry.
This behaviour does show on my laptop that was upgraded to Saucy. The 
ubuntuone-client-gnome package was removed during the upgrade. A bug has 
been raised (#1232053). There is a workaround and a lot of comments 
asking for the functionality to be returned.

Barry T

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