[ubuntu-uk] Dixons/PC World response .....
alan c
aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu May 9 21:15:13 UTC 2013
On 09/05/13 19:16, SuperEngineer wrote:
> On Thu, 2013-05-09 at 09:39 +0000, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
>> I find it very interesting that nearly four years ago, when I bought
>> my Toshiba Netbook with Ubuntu Remix from Dixons, they were selling
>> like hot cakes, far better than the equivalent Windows machines.
>> Then suddenly, overnight, they disappeared. Now what retailer would
>> remove a best-selling line instantly like that, unless there was some
>> sort of external pressure to do so? ;-(
> Agreed - I bought my first netbook from PC World [during a sale] with an
> XFCE Linux distro - not Ubuntu but I soon converted it - the point is I
> bought it with a Linux distro. It had a hardware fail a short time
> after & once back from a replacement mainboard the shop actually
> reloaded the OS on the spot.. with their instantly to hand distro CD.
> Shop was actually impressed that they could do this so quickly and
> easily!
> I occasionally go back to same store - not a Linux machine in sight.
> Those in the know at the store share my disappointment - but the average
> comment is "..but we have to sell what the customers expect."
> Therein lies the weakness - we must educate to expect better.
A blast from the past but still makes me smile:
'Thieves dont even want Vista'
Video - (see from 2mins 8sec)
The video is only slightly inaccurate, only a single laptop was
stolen, that was all they had in the shop!
alan cocks
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