[ubuntu-uk] DSL provider (BT)

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Wed May 8 09:26:20 UTC 2013

On 07/05/13 08:36, TT Mooney wrote:
> Hi all - I've been a happy user of O2 broadband for years, but now
> that Murdoch has laid his hands on it, I want to change provider.
> Does anyone have a recommendation? I used to have BT, and they were
> mostly useless. There is a bit of bittorent going on, so I'm
> looking for an uncapped adsl2 service. Virgin Media is not
> available in my area. Kind regards, Travis

I was also with O2 (Be) and also was motivated to jump ship for the
very same reason.

The good news was that BT fibre was already becoming
established in my area - it was frustrating to see all the cabinets go
in and not have a fibre related connection myself - and also that BT
had then recently changed policy to make their 'unlimited' options
truly unlimited - removing the restrictions on P2P activity and
uploads, for example.
I had been resisting choosing a fibre connection partly on principle 
because I think P2P is so important for the internet.
The connection activity went well (sigh of relief). And it continues 
to be good :-)

The bad news is that I am now dealing with a massive org which 
occasionally morphs into a dozy giant. The installer guy was well 
informed  technically, but on contract, so he reacted like an 
outsider, not relating to BT in company knowledge or attitude,
confirming the idea that - somewhere - I was dealing with an amorphous 
unknown lumbering org. I had gladly accepted a cashback (well, voucher 
back) deal for Sainsburys vouchers (50 pounds) and the claim 
registration web page had an incorrect date which would invalidate my 
own claim, which caused me anxiety. I got some reassurance from the 
live chat help - I noticed this at pre sales time -  but verbal
reassurance was only partially comforting. Ultimately I did receive 
the promised vouchers, but the claim web page was STILL indicating 
invalid dates.

Email accounts have been a pita.

BT makes use of Yahoo mail, and I found that to use (BTYahoo) as SMPT 
for my various outgoings I had to configure my BTYahoo settings to
accept each email ID separately. I have  a number of email IDs. 
Presumably because Yahoo see my mail initially, as alien. It does 
work, though, albeit  an inconvenient

The other day, I got an email from BT about the possible closure of my
BTYahoo mail account. This was an offer that I could hardly ignore,
nor even refuse. But unfortunately I did not even understand it. My
contact to them yielded an explanation which I also did not fully
understand. My BT fibre connection username is allocated to be the
same as my BTYahoo email address, so I was confused that if I was one
of those who chose to allow closure from non use of the BTYahoo email
account, then I wondered what would happen to my connection username.
I have since concluded for myself that in such a case, the username 
continues as an ID
but even though it appears to be a real email address, it of course 
will not be. Such is the disconnect in an ISP which puts its email 
facility out to others. In my case because I make frequent use of the 
BTYahoo account to route my outgoing mail, I conclude I will not be 
seen as a non user of the BTYahoo account.......

Incidentally, I was connected with two boxes, not  just one. A BT
modem, presumably related to fibre, and a wireless router (BT Home
Hub), whereas previously with adsl I  had a  single combined, modem

For some reason, not sure what, I find that the BT router does not
easily connect to new wireless devices (Android tablet, phones)
although ok eventually. So far I have found that a router restart
(has a button) does help.

Oh, yes, as a Post Script:
I registered with the BT forums support community - to try to better 
undertsand the  promise of email account closure from 'non use'. I had 
some ROFL because - I used my real name (alan cocks), it was 
impossible because my surname got the response
'Bad word, please clean this up and try again'
What a way to treat a long and illustrious family name so well known
for its chickens business?


alan cocks

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