[ubuntu-uk] Dixons/PC World response .....

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Thu May 2 15:14:07 UTC 2013

On 01/05/13 13:55, Jones, Victor wrote:
> Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 17:06:56 +0100 From: Barry Drake
> <ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com> To: ubuntu-uk
> <ubuntu-uk at lists.ubuntu.com> Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Dixons/PC World
> response ..... After a lot of contact making, including two
> opposing e-mails from the support team, I got the following
> response after copying in the CEO for the group. This seems to
> represent the official policy of Currys, PC World, Dixons.co.uk and
> Pixmania.com The message title was: DIX1928366CR, RE: very mixed
> response ..... and includes the following paragraph: "For the
> pre-loaded Linux operating system on the product, the manufacturers
> directly provide technical support. For PC peripherals such as
> printer there is an option for customer to download drivers for
> different operating system like Windows, Linux and MAC. We would
> recommend customer to check or ask the store whether these drivers
> are available from the manufacturer direct. Our store endeavour to
> provide any assistance of different versions of operating system,
> however, this cannot be guaranteed all the time. I have logged your
> complaint under reference CC2000722. Mohammed Gulfraz - The
> KNOWHOW? Team." Dated 29th April.
> It might be good if list members could test this out at their local
> branch by asking which peripherals do support Linux, and making a
> complaint if the branch is opposed to giving this information. Kind
> regards, Barry. -- Good Job.   Raising awareness of Linux among
> retail companies is a long slog - with perseverance they'll slowly
> get the message that customers want alternatives.   Kudos to you
> for pursuing it.

I have often got undesirable responses from almost ANY 'shops' selling
PCs, although I have not tried much now that Android is blossoming so
well, and Chromebooks.

The adverse comments are usually quite firm, well rehearsed, and based
obviously on prejudice not experience.

The comments are ALWAYS aimed at 'Linux', not Ubuntu, for example.

This thread is in ubuntu-uk lists so perhaps the subtle difference
between 'Ubuntu'  and 'Linux' is relevant.

I have become aware that the fair criticism that linux kernel hacking
is only for geeks, not normal people, (present company accepted...)
has been effortlessly subverted by the opposition to include all OSs
based on the linux kernel.

'Linux' is very significant to hackers, but I suggest that we need to
be aware of the ease the word is used against us.

On a happier note -  have you seen the Jim Zemlin 20 minutes Ted talk:

alan cocks

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