[ubuntu-uk] Imagine if Linux become massively popular?

Byte Soup bytesoup at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 10:25:32 UTC 2013

Hi folks,

In light of some recent discussions I've seen on this list it seems a lot
of folks are keen to promote Linux and see it deployed and used more
especially on the desktop. I've been using Ubuntu daily (plus some other
distros on and off) for a few years now. I love it and wouldn't switch
back, however I have no real gripe against windows.

I have been wondering on one thing though, would we really want to see a
greater uptake of Linux by the general population? I think we can agree
that partially the success of windows has made it a target for criminals
and malware. So if for whatever reason tomorrow we saw a massive uptake
then where would that leave us? Would it really be a good thing?

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