[ubuntu-uk] Anybody seen this, thought it might be shown, as nobody has mentioned it on here yet.....

pete smout psmouty at live.com
Thu Aug 22 10:59:53 UTC 2013

On 22/08/13 11:41, Paul Sutton wrote:
> On 21/08/13 22:12, scoundrel50a wrote:
>> On 21/08/2013 17:07, Colin Law wrote:
>>> On 21 August 2013 16:57, Gareth France <gareth.france at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 21/08/13 10:13, scoundrel50a wrote:
>>>> Hi, I really dont understand the attitude of attack when somebody posts
>>>> something like this. Not everybody is competant in using Ubuntu, and
>>>> not
>>>> everybody understands the risks involved especially considering for
>>>> years
>>>> its been pushed as a safe OS. All i have done is post this to the
>>>> group, I
>>>> dont appreciate this attitude. It doesnt give Ubuntu a good light when
>>>> people see this.
>>>> On the whole I have stopped posting to this group since there are a
>>>> number
>>>> of people who are obviously on pedestals above us lowly minions. Not
>>>> so long
>>>> back after starting a thread I was shot down in an unforgivably
>>>> harsh manner
>>>> by people who made assumptions about me based on absolutely no
>>>> evidence and
>>>> proceeded to trample all over my opinion and my self esteem.
>>>> I have said it before and I'll say it again, not everyone is an
>>>> expert, not
>>>> everyone understands things that are obvious to you. Be careful how you
>>>> respond as we are supposed to be wanting to encourage mass adoption
>>>> and as
>>>> many new users as possible. Insulting them, depressing them, making
>>>> them
>>>> feel small, they will only leave.
>>> I don't think we know what it was that scoundrel50a was taking
>>> exception to as the post he complained about was not about anything he
>>> said.  Scoundrel50a can you clarify exactly what it was that worried
>>> you?
>>> Colin
>> I'm sorry but if you think that Peter Maddison's reply to me was
>> acceptable then I dont see the point in saying anything, and you shot
>> me down yourself. Which is why I answered the way I did.
>> I dont see any posts on here that warn people that Linux isnt
>> completely safe and whenever its bought up, people are treated like
>> they are idiots and its always those people that are knowledgeable
>> about Linux.....the rest of us are treated like I have been now.
>> An its not just this thread its thread after thread that people are
>> shouted down in, by the same people every time.
> If there is a threat out there,  no matter small people should be a)
> aware of it, and b) advised on how to avoid problems,  if everyone does
> small things to protect their own systems, then surely the wider
> community benefits,
> Look at how many bot nets are out there,  there seems to be several
> million compromised Windows computers out there all chugging away and
> awaiting some instruction to do something nasty, 
> some of the suggestions offered are easy to implement others not so
> unless you understand what it is asking you to do
> #
> Do not install unsigned packages
> # Do not add unofficial repositories without investigating said repository
> # Keep your system up to date at all times
> # Keep all browser plugins up to date
> # If your distribution has SELinux, use it
> # Do not let others install software on your machines
> # Use solid passwords
> # If asked to enter root user (or sudo) password, always know why
> Maybe what is needed here are links to sites that advise on all the
> above issues,  the reference to SELinux could have a link to the SELinux
> website and an explanation of what this is, why its important. useful
> and what I should use it,  it says don't install things you don't
> understand,  well you have asked me to install SELinux which i sort of
> understand does this mean I should or should not install it,  (look at
> that from a complete new user viewpoint)
> Sometimes when advice sounds like the obvious to an expert it really
> does baffle the novice,  lets take a step back and address each of the
> above and perhaps help people (esp new users) to make their systems more
> secure through education and advice.
> I am happy to host information on the dcglug website blog if people can
> help me explain each of the above points please, this information will
> then be in one place and can act to help others both expert and novice
> help others.
> Hope this helps
> In fact such information could or would quite possibly be something to
> include in the ubuntu-manual project and lubuntu documentation, 
> Paul
Although I have heard of SELinux I have never used it, I believe (not
certain) that it comes as default on modern *buntu systems?!
Does it need setting up, if so a link to a how to would be good!
What are the benefits if using / installing it over not having it?
What are the pitfalls of using it (for example I use the mozilla ppa as
the firefox version in the Ubunutu repos is too out of date for certain
webpages, let alone from a security point of view, will it allow me to
continue using it?)

I think some more research on my part is needed as in my everyday world
SEL means Shelf Edge Label so the name leads to confusion ;)

Good Job I'm not working today and I have the time to research, if
anyone has some good links on the subject I (if not anyone else) would
be interested in seeing them, But google will provide the answers im sure!!

Thanks for giving me some more research.... I dont spend enough time in
front of a screen (lol)

Pete Smout

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