[ubuntu-uk] Has anybody seen this and what do you think......

James Kemp james+ubuntu-uk at somebody.org.uk
Sun Aug 4 20:02:56 UTC 2013

On 03/08/13 22:32, Muñiz Piniella, Andrés wrote:
> El 03/08/2013 22:08, "James Kemp" <james+ubuntu-uk at somebody.org.uk
> <mailto:james%2Bubuntu-uk at somebody.org.uk>>
>  > So the landscape is changing, albeit by waiting for the big long term
> contracts to run out.
>  >
> Hi James,
> Sounds like good news. Any clues on what is happening with libraries?
> Check out @PeterBazalgette's Tweet:
> https://twitter.com/PeterBazalgette/status/344422386008997889
> He seems up for the change and there seems to be a void.
> My local library is getting an 'uplift' and it would be great if it was
> not completely windows.

Libraries are a local authority run, so will vary a lot across the 
country. Each local authority will take its own look at the 
recommendations from central government and then do their own thing.

That said, local councillors are usually easier to approach than MPs and 
have a more direct level of influence on what the council does than MPs 
have over central government. So it is well worth lobbying your local 
councillor. You ought to be able to find out who they are and how to 
contact them on your local council's website. NB depending on where you 
live there may be more than one tier of local government, and you need 
to lobby the one that has control of the library to have any hope of a 
positive impact.

James Kemp
see Alexander at http://www.ajkemp.org/gallery/
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