[ubuntu-uk] UEFI bios update

Dave Morley davmor2 at davmor2.co.uk
Mon Apr 29 11:21:58 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

On 29/04/13 12:04, James Morrissey wrote:

This may work flawlessly.  However (and it's a big however) it may not.
To combat this I would suggest that before you did anything you back
up your systems and ensure you have install mediums for both windows 7
and Ubuntu. This would at least mean that the systems can be
reinstalled and your data retrieved if the worst should happen.

Ubuntu 64 bit supports both UEFI and secureboot so in theory there
should be no issues there.  However grub is used differently in uefi
than it is on a normal system and you would need an efi entry for
Ubuntu and for windows 7 so efi acts as your os selector rather than grub.

In saying all that it may work out of the box and you notice no real
different because efi also has a bios compatibility mode,called
legacy, that the system may enable by default and you be none the
wiser for it.

I would also suggest though that if you had no issues on Quantal but
are in Raring that it may be a kernel issue.  Just because it is
stable for everyone else doesn't mean it is for that particular
machine,  So I would file a bug first and see if there is any news
from that before you go all kung-fu on the bios/uefi system.
"ubuntu-bug linux" in a terminal will file most of the information on
a kernel bug for you.

- -- 
You make it, I'll break it!

I love my job :)
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