[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 12.10: advertising lenses

Juergen Schinker ba1020 at homie.homelinux.net
Tue Sep 25 08:33:47 UTC 2012

> > Canonical could engage in other ways gaining Revenue than
> > patronizing end-users....
> >
> Suggestions welcome. We'd love to hear them!

Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Flattr, Donations wia Bitcoin etc

> > A constant keepalive to Amazon is also not acceptable...
> >
> 1) It's not just Amazon.

even worse ...

> 2) It's uninstallable

Good but not good enough - the default must be uninstalled

> 3) It's not a constant keepalive, only when you search in the home
> screen of the dash
> 4) It doesn't go directly to Amazon (or other stores) anyway. It's
> proxied via a Canonical server which anonymizes the requests.

Why is there no full Transparancy about this -the more i dig the more comes out...


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