[ubuntu-uk] The Quantal Quetzal takes flight - the London release party for Ubuntu 12.10

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Tue Oct 9 22:40:45 UTC 2012

I just want to say that I was in a small museum recently, with lots of 
stuffed birds, and one of them was the Quetzal bird from Mexico, so now 
I know what a Quetzal is and what it looks like :-)

On 03/10/12 15:55, Alan Bell wrote:
> Hi all,
> after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing we have settled on a venue for the 
> London release party for 12.10, it will be at the George Inn, London's 
> last galleried coaching in, as visited by Charles Dickens (dunno how 
> exclusive that is, anyone know if he was into pub crawls?)
> The date will be the 18th of October, which is just over a couple of 
> weeks away and as usual we will be joined by the team from Canonical 
> who will no doubt be rather gasping for some refreshment after the 
> last minute stress of the release.
> details and sign up sheet here (not that you have to sign up or 
> anything, you can just turn up)
> http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-uk/2006/detail/
> I will try and sort out name badges somehow, that would appear to be a 
> good thing to do. In fact yes, lets do that. For anyone who clicks the 
> register button on the sign up page there will be a badge with your 
> name on it waiting for you - I might include IRC nicks if they are on 
> your launchpad page.
> see you there o/
> Alan.

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