[ubuntu-uk] Skype Log on Ubuntu

Matthew Sturdy matt.sturdy at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 19:58:18 UTC 2012

On 2 November 2012 20:17, Abduljaber Abdulqader
<a.abdulqader at hotmail.co.uk>wrote:

> It works until a 8/08/2012 and then i get the below error message:
> Skype4Py.errors.SkypeAPIError: Skype command timeout
Hi, I'm sorry, I don't know and this one I can only reproduce if I quit the
skype client while running the script.

It seems as if there was a connection to your Skype client.  Was the client
running the whole time the script was?

If you try again, does it fail at the same place?

I'm pretty stuck as to what could be the cause... it's possible that
someone else might be able to suggest something, but they've been quiet
until now if so!  :)

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