[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu beginners course in North Tyneside

Alan Pope alan.pope at canonical.com
Sat May 5 21:15:35 UTC 2012

On 5 May 2012, at 10:50, Bea Groves <beagroves at gmail.com> wrote:
> I actually installed 10.10 (staying clear of Unity just for the moment until all the controversy dies down a little)

Erk. That's a shame. Unity is not going away and 10.10 is no longer supported. I'd seriously reconsider this move.

12.04 make more sense given its an LTS and thus has 5 years of support.

> I'll stay in touch if that's OK? If this is a success it might be possible to expand the curriculum to other boroughs across Tyneside. And then... who knows? My policy has been: show 'em how easy and fun it is, tell 'em it's free, and they'll never want Windows again.

Sure, I'd love to help.


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