[ubuntu-uk] Error report not working

Kris Douglas krisdouglas at gmail.com
Sat May 5 10:01:35 UTC 2012

A bug can be a flaw in an otherwise functional program, like a typo or an
unclickable button. A crash is when the program ceases to respond to user
interaction, usually seen as it just closing.

An example of a crash on say, android, is when you get a "force close"
On May 5, 2012 9:47 AM, "scoundrel50a" <scoundrel50a at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 04/05/12 23:59, Alan Pope wrote:
>> On 04/05/12 12:18, scoundrel50a wrote:
>>> >  Since I had to do the reinstall, I keep getting crash reports, a
>>> >  lot more than what I was getting when it was running beta 1.....I
>>> >  click on the crash report logo, it brings up the box, which shows
>>> >  what has crashed and where it says submit, I click and nothing
>>> >  happens, so I cant submit the crash report....
>> Sounds strange. I would clear out the crash reports by deleting all
>> files in /var/crash. Then startup fresh and see what (if anything)
>> crashes.
> Ok, did that, and as soon as the laptop started a crash report box
> appeared, blueman applet, so I went through the process again, and nothing
> happened, how do you know if the crash report gets to you, how do you know
> if its duplicate.....all the reports I have sent I have had no messages
> back to say its been dealt with.........
>> >  then I try the terminal and use ubuntu-bug whatever and it says it
>>> >  cant find the crash report.....
>> ubuntu-bug<package>  shouldn't be looking for crash reports. It should
>> just file a new bug.
> oh, ok, now I have learnt something, what is the difference between a
> crash report and a bug? Genuine question.....
>> Cheers,
>> - -- Alan Pope
>> Engineering Manager
> --
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