[ubuntu-uk] Annoying stuff about Ubuntu Unity

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Tue May 1 13:12:17 UTC 2012

I've only been using 12.04 for 2 days and am already getting annoyed 
with it.

I use some applications which are not packaged.

For example, Talend. It is an Eclipse based ETL application.

I can run it from the command line, that's OK. But because of the 
stupid, pea-brained Unity interface, if you accidentally minimise an 
application which doesn't have a launcher icon then you can't get it 
back. Or at least I haven't found a way to yet.

Anyone got any workarounds/suggestions for this scenario?

Gah... I'm tempted to go back to 10.10 until it works properly.


Libertus Solutions

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