[ubuntu-uk] Netflix and Love Film

Andy Partington andy.partington at gmail.com
Thu Aug 23 10:45:48 UTC 2012

On 23 August 2012 11:39, Andy Partington <andy.partington at gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
>> Kind of defeats then object of running Ubuntu, if you have to install
>> windows doesnt it......is it something that might happen in the future, or
>> is it not going to happen.......
> </snip>
> It's down to the hosts though, Lovefilm and Netflix, I know on one of
> the sites ( Lovefilm i believe ) it was one of the most requested
> features last year to bring it to XBMC on linux but I think the
> response was not at this time.
> Its the main reason why I use neither of the services at the moment as
> I solely use *nix on my media centres and thus can't use there
> services.
> Andy

This is the reply from one of the Lovefilm Developers ?

- We currently provide the LOVEFiLM Video on Demand service on various
models of Samsung and Sony TV and Blu-Ray players
Why would I want to go and replace my brand new HD TV jsut so I could
stream movies from pre selected outlets? This is a waste of my money,
adds senseless waste and extremely short sighted.

- We are looking to expand the number of devices in the future, but
only for devices or platforms we have a direct commercial relationship

This was two + years ago.



Loads of posts all over about it, and I think some people have had a
bit of success in getting somethings working but until it's official
or at least stable I'm not going to pay for it.

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