[ubuntu-uk] Unity testing

John scoundrel50a at gmail.com
Sun Apr 8 18:02:59 UTC 2012

On 08/04/12 18:10, Barry Drake wrote:
> On 08/04/12 17:21, Norman Silverstone wrote:
>> I am not thick but when I
>> am asked, for example, to start gedit or nautilus using a set up with
>> which I am not familiar I was lost and gave up. Maybe this testing is
>> only for the Ubuntu literate and not for a simple user like me.
> Norman well said! Unity testing folk (and Popey) please note. I was 
> appalled at the level of knowledge that the tests required. The Unity 
> testing program ought at least to tell you how to start gedit etc. And 
> to use programs that are installed by default, which does NOT include 
> Amarok that is (almost) specifically asked for by at least one of the 
> tests. By the way, gedit is the default text editor and you can start 
> it by clicking on 'Text Editor'. Where do you find that? Well, it's 
> not too bad now I know my way around the latest Unity ... but I agree, 
> it can be a bit daunting. However, if you type 'gedit' into the entry 
> field that comes up when you click the top (Ubuntu) button on the 
> launcher sidebar, you will get a match that you can click. The same 
> would be true of Nautilus, but actually all you need to do is open the 
> 'Files' (Home Folder) icon on the launcher sidebar.
> Oh, and a 'program that needs multiple windows' .... PLEASE .... some 
> of us might understand this, but just get back to the drawing board.
> Unity testing folk - please use plain English for a change!!!! </rant>
> Norman, please continue, and ask this list at every hurdle. It's worth 
> it. If only to try the latest Unity lenses. Unity under 12.04 is 
> awesome!!!!
> Regards, Barry.

I have to admit, I tried to go through the testing, and got lost with 
some of the things they want you to do, so I gave up, and following 
this, if I had that problem with the partition, I dont think it would 
have been as simple for me to understand how to get around it........but 
I have to say, I am amazed at 12.04, I have been using it as my main OS, 
and have only come across a few things that caused a problem, and I have 
to admit, its got me liking Unity.....which I didnt think I would, way 
to go........I dont open too many windows, though I am having problems 
getting used to Gimp which I finding a bit confusing with the way the 
windows open, but if I dont have the main window maximised, I am ok......

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