[ubuntu-uk] Bletchley Park raising money to restore derelict buildings

Bruno Girin brunogirin at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 17:29:49 UTC 2011

On 22/10/11 22:09, Alan Bell wrote:
> On 22/10/11 15:25, Bruno Girin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Bletchley Park are currently raising money [1]. From the page: "The 
>> investment will enable the restoration of iconic Codebreaking Huts 1, 
>> 3 and 6 and create a world-class visitor centre and exhibition in the 
>> currently derelict Block C as soon as £1.7 million in match funding 
>> has been raised."
> a fine cause indeed
>> A fund raising page has been created for that purpose by Jason Gorman 
>> on JustGiving [2] so you can contribute there or directly on the 
>> Bletchley Park web site. Another thought I had was: what about 
>> creating a Ubuntu UK fund-raising page for that purpose? Is that a 
>> silly idea?
> a slightly silly idea in general, but actually not entirely silly in 
> this specific situation :). With fundraising things in general it is 
> best to have one official funding route, that makes it easier to see 
> what money is being raised and ensure that it is going to the right 
> place, and do stuff like gift aid tax reclaims and whatnot (which 
> justgiving does seem to handle). Some giving sites may allow you to 
> state your affiliation as you donate so the total for a team can be 
> totted up, this is kind of cool and we could certainly do that. On 
> closer inspection it seems we might be able to do something on the 
> justgiving site though. Starting from the Bletchly page it seems you 
> can create a subpage with all the money going direct to the main 
> charity page http://www.justgiving.com/bletchleypark/Raisemoney
> if you want to put together a page that would be great.

I'll think of some words and a reasonable target and will post back here 
for everybody's approval. It'll probably be good to have the Ubuntu UK 
logo somewhere too.



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