[ubuntu-uk] Feeling tortured by Ubuntu

John Stevenson john at jr0cket.com
Thu Oct 20 11:47:08 UTC 2011

On 20 October 2011 11:33, Kris Douglas <krisdouglas at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, I am coming back to post my findings, I have been experiencing
> this problem with the last two releases of Ubuntu.
> Currently Compiz is using 247MB of RAM, which is a lot, but as a
> percentage of my current system RAM, it's negligible.
> Chromium Nightly is the next highest user, which makes sense
> considering I can have up to 100 tabs open at a time, however, when
> all the chromium processes are killed, the system remains sluggish. It
> usually uses around 200-220MB of RAM.
> The final notable high user is Nautilus, running in around 130MB RAM.
> Current swap usage is 160KB as my memory usage never actually goes
> over the 8GB the system has installed. (I thought it was 6GB to start
> with...)
> CPU usage, with a few tabs open, system monitor, update manager and
> Spotify is currently, 0.11,0.06,0.05, which is far from overloaded.
> I am however currently experiencing this sluggishness.
> Machine Specifications:
> AMD Phenom II 965 Black Edition (Quad Core at 3.41GHz)
> 6GB DDR3 1333MHz
> 2x 250GB Samsung 7200RPM Drives
> Ubuntu Release 11.10
> Kernel 3.0.0-12-generic-pae
> Running Unity 3D & Docky

In my humble experience running 100 tabs in any browser for an extended
period of time can lead to slow response times for your browser.  If you go
to a lot of flash sites (hard to avoid) with Chrome / Chromium then that's a
lot of flash plugin that can leak memory and potentially cause issues even
after Chromium is closed.

Try a day with a maximum of 10 tabs in on browser (and one browser window)
and see if you still get performance issues.

Also check if you have ubuntuone-syncd running.  Ubuntu 11.10 may add this
back in at startup as part of the change of desktop manager (LightDM)
Thank you.
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