[ubuntu-uk] (Slightly OT) Standalone databases

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 08:39:00 UTC 2011

On 20/10/11 09:23, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> In any case, if the users will have internet access or similar,  the
> easiest way to do it (and probably the only way to get guaranteed
> cross-platform) is to use a web interface and host it somewhere they
> can all get at.

This was my thought too.

Joomla! has a brilliant extension available called Fabrik which is 
essentially a database & form design tool that allows the user to build 
custom storage for pretty much anything (I use it frequently on websites 
we build for customers). As it is a Joomla! extension it runs atop of 
the same MySQL database. Joomla!, being a web cms, allows the developer 
pretty much unlimited ways to present this data for user access and 
search etc.



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