[ubuntu-uk] LO in 11.10 STILL CANNOT USE TBird addressbook as an address data source!!!!!!!!!

James Tait james.tait at wyrddreams.org
Tue Oct 18 17:09:51 UTC 2011

On 18/10/11 17:57, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
> But it's been like this for years and I think I may well have filed a
> bug years ago, but it's obviously not even been on Canonicals radar at
> all...
> To me it's the one thing that will stop people using Ubuntu and
> preferring Windows - MS Office does this automatically and so does the
> version of LO that you can get from the LO website but if the software
> is supplied as part of the install shouldn't people expect ALL the
> functions to be there? Why do they miss one of the most important out?

If the issue is that you can use your Evolution address book(s) as a 
mail merge source in Base, but not your Thunderbird address book, you 
could try installing thunderbird-couchdb.  This allows Thunderbird to 
access the address book in desktopcouch via the Evolution Data Server; 
if Base also uses EDS to get the address books, it should be available.

James Tait, BSc                        |    xmpp:jayteeuk at wyrddreams.org
Programmer and Free Software advocate  |        Tel: +44 (0)870 490 2407

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