[ubuntu-uk] xubuntu-xfwm4

Andres Muniz Piniella andresmp at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 20:18:18 UTC 2011

Hello all,

Lost the xubuntu window manager i.e. I lost the windows borders (top 
window bar). This was easily sorted looking for the command xfwm4  and 
putting it in terminal $xfm4 . This did not do anything so I ctl+C and 
my window borders came back. It now seems to work nicely. But it seems I 
missed some sort of command so I do not need to press ctl+c in terminal.

I do not know what caused it. The last thing I did was turn shutdown 
(through the menu) while it was running thunderbird and Pidgen (with 
twitter, identica and skype addon).

Not urgent, it is now fixed, but would like to know if it is a bug or I 
might have done something wrong.


Andrés Muñiz Piniella <http://www.linkedin.com/in/andresmp>

Scientist at the National Physical Laboratory: nanomaterials 

This is an email sent with Thunderbird on netbook with Ubuntu: 
2.6.38-11-generic GNU/Linux

twitter @NPL: <http://www.npl.co.uk> NPL visited @hightechcampus to see 
how Philips Innovation Services help others accelerate innovation 
http://t.co/Luz3rUrN @PhilipsPR

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