[ubuntu-uk] Watch and backup folder

Bea Groves beagroves at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 00:52:03 UTC 2011


Thanks for that suggestion, as it made the rsync command line easy to
sort out (the LuckyBackup GUI lets you dry-run the rsync settings and
then copy the commands to the clipboard). I used this to cobble together
a bash script that will do an once-a-day incremental copy of the
Documents folder to the SD card, and otherwise let Ubuntu One handle the
regular monitoring and backing up of new files to the remote cloud. Two
backups should keep the files safe! ;-)

Seems to be working fine.

On 20/11/11 19:21, Ivan Wright wrote:
> I use LuckyBackup, its a GUI front end for rsync. Its pretty fast at
> copying over files that have been changed and has an optional feature to
> delete those that you've got rid of.
> Although I don't think it has a way of continually monitoring for
> changes. I only use it for doing an occasional backup of my entire home
> folder to an external USB harddrive.
> Ivan

Beatrix E. Groves
President, Institute for Learning (IfL)
General Secretary, Association of Part-Time Tutors (APTT)
Email:	beagroves at gmail.com
Web:  	http://www.beagroves.net
Blog:	http://beagroves.tumblr.com

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