[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Local Community team reapproval

Alan Bell alanbell at ubuntu.com
Wed May 18 18:13:01 UTC 2011

Hi all,

This cycle, before the release of Oneiric Ocelot, the UK team has to go 
through the LoCo team reapproval process. You can read more about this here:


Basically as an approved team we get a certain amount of swag from 
Canonical, and in return we have to prove to the LoCo Council that we do 
useful activities to promote and advocate Ubuntu in our country by 
providing a report of what we have done. This can include all kinds of 
activites, but they especially like to see pictures of them!

Do have a look at some of the other teams reapproval pages and dig out 
pictures you have taken from events over the past couple of years and we 
will have a chat about how to go about producing our reapproval wiki 
page at the next team meeting on 26th May 

Alan Bell
Ubuntu UK LoCo team lead

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