[ubuntu-uk] School websites

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Sat Jun 11 10:40:08 UTC 2011

On 11 June 2011 11:30, Paul Sutton <zleap at zleap.net> wrote:

> Perhaps we need more people in schools to help out who can actually do
> web design and help out without charging hundreds of pounds for the job.
> nProblem is most people out of college may not have these skills, I have
> seen web design courses advertised at my local college, they use
> Dreamweaver,  great so i use that at college go in to schools and they
> can't afford it.  Goes back to teaching skills rather than packages and
> to the test.

No, that is not the point at all... schools would not take on somebody to be
their secretary who had no concept of what a word processor was, or could
not use a spreadsheet... they are meant to be educational establishments...
are you REALLY saying that the quality of staff at our schools could not
grasp writing something like this :-

<h1>here is a heading</h1>
<p>The first paragraph</p>
<p>The second paragraph</p>

I am SORRY but if this is the state of our education system then I

Sometimes if you are the one person in the school who knows xyz then you
> get the ict co-ordinator job,  so this comes part of the package,  so
> you just struggle with what ever software is available in the time (or
> lack of time) allocated in between planning, marking, teaching and all
> the other jobs.

I could train somebody in writing basic HTML in hours...

Seems to me that schools need help and perhaps we techie people need to
> be more willing to work / volunteer / offer our time / expertise to
> schools.

Possibly.... but it seems rather pathetic that we're trusting the future of
our kids to people who don't appear to even be able to grasp something as
basic as HTML.

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