[ubuntu-uk] hard disk problem ?

Neil Greenwood neil.greenwood.lug at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 07:33:46 UTC 2011

Ar Dydd Iau 07 mis Gorffennaf 2011 08:11:40 BST, ysgrifennodd john 
> "Linux doesn't seem to give a warning message when the hard-disk is
>   full, instead the system seem to die and shut down."
> Has anyone come across this before. They said it was their main reason
> for not using Ubuntu ?
>  John

Ubuntu definitely pops up a message when the disk space gets low (as 
long as it doesn't happen too quickly!), and offers help cleaning up to 
make more space. I can't remember exactly which program is included in 
the link: it could be baobab, a.k.a. Disk Usage Analyser.

I saw it a couple of times while I was dual-booting this work PC, but 
then I removed the Windows partition and I haven't seen it since!


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