[ubuntu-uk] MS SQL

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 14:10:40 UTC 2011

On 20/01/11 13:57, John Stevenson wrote:
> I agree with the comment from Dan, ditch your spreadsheet asap and get
> something specific, before the spreadsheet becomes a noose around your neck.

Unless it's a very simple requirement then why not just use OOo Base and 
MySQL? You can run that on Windows or Ubuntu or MACs.

> You could look for a helpdesk / ticket/issue management tool that lets
> you record your inventory, that way you can also record issues occurring
> on specific hardware.  A nice (commercial) example of this is called
> Service-now.com <http://Service-now.com>.  I am sure there are issue
> management tools for Linux that do the same thing, I can think of
> http://otrs.org <http://otrs.org/>, although I have not used this in a
> while so dont remember all the features but it looked good at the time.

There are many professional and full featured systems. OTRS is a good 
one, as are Redmine, RT, OSTicket & some others.

Also you could think along the lines of a highly modular ERP system such 
as OpenERP that has Asset and Project Management capabilities.

Lots of ways...


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