[ubuntu-uk] MS SQL

John Stevenson john at jr0cket.com
Thu Jan 20 13:57:07 UTC 2011

On 20 January 2011 13:18, <bodsda at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> This is more microsoft related than ubuntu related, but am just after some
> advice.
> We currently use a spreadsheet to manage our server information and asset
> documentation. I am keen to put this into a SQL db, but have a slight
> problem. I am happy with editing tables to insert/view/delete data but my
> managers won't be. What can I use to build on top of SQL to provide a
> dummies interface to interact with the db?
> Thanks,
> Bodsda

I agree with the comment from Dan, ditch your spreadsheet asap and get
something specific, before the spreadsheet becomes a noose around your neck.

You could look for a helpdesk / ticket/issue management tool that lets you
record your inventory, that way you can also record issues occurring on
specific hardware.  A nice (commercial) example of this is called
Service-now.com.  I am sure there are issue management tools for Linux that
do the same thing, I can think of http://otrs.org, although I have not used
this in a while so dont remember all the features but it looked good at the

John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com
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