[ubuntu-uk] natty with unity

gazz pmgazz at gmx.co.uk
Fri Jan 14 10:49:53 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 01:45 +0000, John Stevenson wrote:

> I am having a great time using Unity ever since alpha1 and I
> absolutely love it, its the best thing thats happened to the Linux
> desktop in a long time (well since docky... and moving the
> maximise/minimise buttons to the right hand side).

> -- 
> John Stevenson
> Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
> jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com

Indeed, it depends on your personal taste and I can see it appealing to
people who don't use the panels much.  And non-techies do gasp when they
see the bare desktop of Ubuntu GNOME shell for the first time - but when
they're shown around the nav they love it - I've always found it a great
'selling point'.  

I figured out you can add things to the dock by running them and
clicking on keep on launcher but not much would fit on there given that
the icons are ginormous and the window buttons are using the same space.
I currently have nearly 30 icons on two panels with 7 windows open (all
I'm doing is checking my mail) and that isn't going to fit on the dock.
I also like to move the panels to suit my own taste. The dock is taking
up rather a lot of real estate too and so is the useless top bar. And,
yes, I know you can change the wallpaper - it's the dock which I think
is ugly. 

The other thing I really hated is the higgledy-piggledy list of apps and
admin stuff - I thought the existing Ubuntu/GNOME navbar was a piece of
genius simplicity. I also like the quick dropdown to launch evolution,
chat etc. I love the quick setup of sftp and bookmarks in nautilus
places - I'm sure it's still there but it'd take half an hour to find
it. And, yes, change always means taking half an hour to find stuff but
clicking on a tab 'places' made sense to me.  Agree that moving the
buttons the left was sensible given where everything else is, though. 

I had unity on my netbook too, took it off and reverted to GNOME shell -
even on a netbook it drove me silly. I just set the GNOME panels to
autohide and it's all good. So, unless unity gets prettier and more
adaptable, I'll be switching to 'classic desktop' lickety-spit. 

Anyway, we can argue about it in person later, John ;) 


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