[ubuntu-uk] natty with unity

John Stevenson john at jr0cket.com
Fri Jan 14 01:45:21 UTC 2011

I am having a great time using Unity ever since alpha1 and I absolutely love
it, its the best thing thats happened to the Linux desktop in a long time
(well since docky... and moving the maximise/minimise buttons to the right
hand side).

I find Unity very fast and easy to use, although there is still some
functionality to come as there is still a lot of development to do.  I have
lots of applications on my Unity launcher and its great to use the
touchscreen or mouse to scroll through them, its so much quicker than the
"classic" applications menu.  The unity launcher is great for managing
multiple windows, and quickly selecting the desired window from a busy

I think the design team have been doing a great job on the look and feel in
these early days, although I am afraid I prefer a different desktop
wallpaper to the default.  I do have a few hundred to choose from that I
have collected over the years.  I would also like to have purple folder
icons for nautilus, but I can live with the orange.

I am really looking forward to the Ubuntu team completing Unity
functionality and excited to find out what’s coming after natty (well what
else after wayland and windicators).

Thank you
John Stevenson
Lean Agile Consultant / Coach
jr0cket.com  |  leanagilemachine.com
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